A: Fachzeitschriften
Der größte Teil der folgenden medizinischen Zeitschriftenartikel findet sich auch in der National Library of Medicine
- 1. Assaf C, Hummel M, Steinhoff M, Geilen CC, Orawa H, Stein H, Orfanos CE.
Early TCR-beta and TCR-gamma PCR detection of T-cell clonality indicates minimal tumor disease in lymph nodes of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: diagnostic and prognostic implications.
Blood. 2005 Jan 15;105(2):503-10.
Impactfaktor 10.20 - 2. Triltsch AE, Nestmann G, Orawa H, Moshirzadeh M, Sander M, Große J, Genähr A, Konertz W, Spies CD.
Bispectral index versus COMFORT score to determine the level of sedation in paediatric intensive care unit patients: a prospective study.
Crit Care. 2005 Feb;9(1):R9-17. Erratum in: Crit Care. 2005 Oct 5;9(5):426.
Impactfaktor 3.21 - 3. Menner N, Günther I, Orawa H, Roth A, Rambajan I, Wagner J, Hahn H, Persaud S, Ignatius R.
High rate of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in Georgetown, Guyana.
Trop Med Int Health. 2005 Dec;10(12):1215-8.
Impactfaktor 1,97
- 4. Altenburg A, Papoutsis N, Orawa H, Martus P, Krause L, Zouboulis CC.
Epidemiology and clinical manifestations of Adamantiades-Behçet disease in Germany – Current pathogenetic concepts and therapeutic possibilities
J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2006 Jan;4(1):49-64; quiz 65-6. German.
Impactfaktor 1,82 - 5. Altenburg A, Papoutsis N, Orawa H, Martus P, Zouboulis CC.
Morbus Adamantiades-Behçet: Epidemiologie, pathogenetische Konzepte und therapeutische Möglichkeiten.
Aktuelle Dermatologie (Thieme Verlag) 2006, 32:360-364.
Impactfaktor z. Z. nicht gelistet - 6. Papoutsis NG, Abdel-Naser MB, Altenburg A, Orawa H, Kotter I, Krause L, Pleyer U, Djawari D, Stadler R, Wollina U, Kohl PK, Gollnick HP, Kirch W, Ochsendorf FR, Keitel W, Martus P, Zouboulis CC.
Prevalence of Adamantiades-Behcet’s disease in Geremany and the municipality of Berlin: Results of a nationwide survey.
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2006 Sep-Oct;24(5 Suppl 42):S125.
Erratum in: Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2007 May-Jun;25(3):507-8.
Impactfaktor 2.37
- 7. Kalayciyan A, Orawa H, Fimmel S, Perschel FH, Gonzalez JB, Fitzner RG, Orfanos CE, Zouboulis CC.
Nicotine and Biochanin A, but Not Cigarette Smoke, Induce Anti-Inflammatory Effects on Keratinocytes and Endothelial Cells in Patients with Behcet’s Disease.
J Invest Dermatol. 2007 Jan;127(1):81-9.
Impactfaktor 4.41
- 8. Weikert S, Gabel P, Orawa H, Scholz P, Scherer H, Hölzl M.
Untersuchungen zur Kopf-Körper-Koordination.
Laryngorhinootologie. 2008 Apr;87(4):245-51.
Impactfaktor 0.40 - 9. Hölzl M, Gabel P, Weikert S, Orawa H, Scherer H.
Zervikopropriozeptive Nystagmusprovokation bei Probanden.
HNO. 2008 Oct;56(10):1013-9. German.
Impactfaktor 0.53 - 10. Baak U, Gökbuget N, Orawa H, Schwartz S, Hoelzer D, Thiel E, Burmeister T, German Multicenter ALL Study Group.
Thymic adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia stratified in standard- and high-risk group by aberrant HOX11L2 expression: experience of the German multicenter ALL study group.
Leukemia. 2008 Jun;22(6):1154-60.
Impactfaktor 6.94 - 11. Grubitzsch H, Grabow C, Orawa H, Konertz W.
Factors predicting the time until atrial fibrillation recurrence after concomitant left atrial ablation.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2008 Jul;34(1):67-72. Epub 2008 May 23.
Impactfaktor 2,01 - 12. Eisenblätter M, Klaus C, Pletz MW, Orawa H, Hahn H, Wagner J, Lode H.
Influence of azithromycin and clarithromycin on macrolide susceptibility of viridans streptococci from the oral cavity of healthy volunteers.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2008 Nov;27(11):1087-92.
Impactfaktor 2,31 - 13. Maza S, Gellrich S, Assaf C, Beyer M, Spilker L, Orawa H, Munz DL, Sterry W, Steinhoff M.
Yttrium-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan radioimmunotherapy in primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas: first results of a prospective, monocentre study.
Leuk Lymphoma. 2008 Sep;49(9):1702-9.
Impactfaktor 1,51
- 14. Hölzl M, Gabel P, Weikert S, Orawa H, Scherer H.
Einfluss der Kopf-Rumpf-Positionsänderung auf den Upbeat-Nystagmus.
Laryngorhinootologie. 2009 Feb;88(2):92-100.
Impactfaktor 0.40 - 15. Ghodsi SZ, Orawa H, Zouboulis CC.
Prevalence, Severity, and Severity Risk Factors of Acne in High School Pupils: A Community-Based Study.
J Invest Dermatol. 2009 Sep;129(9):2136-41.
Impactfaktor 4.83 - 16. Mundt A, Klein J, Joel D, Heinz A, Djodari-Irani A, Harnack D, Kupsch A, Orawa H, Juckel G, Morgenstern R, Winter C.
High frequency stimulation of the nucleus accumbens core and shell reduces quinpirole-induced compulsive checking in rats.
Eur J Neurosci. 2009 Jun;29(12):2401-12.
Impactfaktor 3.67 - 17. Nast A, Erdmann R, Hofelich V, Reytan N, Orawa H, Sterry W, Rzany B
Do guidelines change the way we treat? Studying prescription behaviour among private practitioners before and after the publication of the German Psoriasis Guidelines.
Arch Dermatol Res. 2009 Sep;301(8):553-9. Epub 2009 Jul 16.
Impactfaktor 1.91 - 18. Mehnert J, Landau H, Mussler A, Reinicke J, Müller-Hartwich R, Orawa H, Jost-Brinkmann PG.
Comparison between logopedic and MRI findings in evaluating tongue function.
J Orofac Orthop. 2009 Nov;70(6):455-67.
Impactfaktor 0.82 - 19. Mehnert J, Landau H, Orawa H, Kittel A, Krause M, Engel S, Jost-Brinkmann PG, Müller-Hartwich R.
Validity and reliability of logopedic assessments of tongue function.
J Orofac Orthop. 2009 Nov;70(6):468-84.
Impactfaktor 0.82
- 20. Maier-Hauff K, Ulrich F, Nestler D, Niehoff H, Wust P, Thiesen B, Orawa H, Budach V, Jordan A.
Efficacy and safety of intratumoral thermotherapy using magnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles combined with external beam radiotherapy on patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme.
J Neurooncol. 2011 Jun;103(2):317-24. Epub 2010 Sep 16.
Impactfactor 2.75
- 21. Lucka TC, Pathirana D, Sammain A, Bachmann F, Rosumeck S, Erdmann R, Schmitt J, Orawa H, Rzany B, Nast A.
Efficacy of systemic therapies for moderate-to-severe psoriasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of long-term treatment.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2012 Nov;26(11)
Impactfactor 2.69
- 22. Pfitzer C, Orawa H, Balcerek M, Langer T, Dirksen U, Keslova P, Zubarovskaya N, Schuster FR, Jarisch A, Strauss G, Borgmann-Staudt A.
Dynamics of fertility impairment and recovery after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in childhood and adolescence: results from a longitudinal study.
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2014 Aug 1
Impactfactor 3,01
- 23. Frölich J, Lehmkuhl G, Orawa H, Bromba M, Wolf, K, Görtz-Dorten, A.
Computer game misuse and addiction of adolescents in a clinically referred study sample.
Computers in Human Behavior. available online 14 Sept. 2015
Impactfactor 2.96
- 24. Frölich J, Orawa H, Bromba M, Frölich J.
Motivational anomalies in ADHD. Results from a clinical study in children and adolescents
Journal of Child Psychology, Vol. 2 No. 1, January 2018
Impactfactor: nicht bekannt
Impactfaktorensumme 61,34
B: Sonstige Publikationen
- Fachbroschüre „Evaluation der Zusatzvereinbarung Tonsillotomie der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Bayerns (KVB) in Kooperation mit Professor Dr. Hans Scherer“
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